Prostrim Capsule - Ayurvedic Medicine for Enlarged Prostate & Infection


1 Pack Prostrim Capsule


  • ✔️Urinary tract infections
  • ✔️Reduce burning sensation
  • ✔️Improve Ejaculation
  • ✔️Nourishes sperm.
  • 🍀Power of 13 Ayurvedic herbs
  • 💯Long-lasting solution
  • 500mg pill

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Prostrim Capsule – Ayurvedic Medicine for Enlarged Prostate & Infection

Prostrim is a 500 mg pill that contains a variety of herbs such as, Goikshru, punernava, harda, kachhar guggul, vang bhasma, abhrak bhasma, and several other herbs. This formula is free from all harmful and toxic substances.

This herbal remedy is created using an appropriate herbal formula that includes the extraction of the herbs. This helps in promoting BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), thick and healthy semen, and overall prostate health and keeping you free from urinary infection, by helping manage an enlarged prostate.

A Natural Approach to Enlarged Prostate Management

Enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a common condition that affects many men, particularly as they age. Seeking natural remedies in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, has become increasingly popular. Yogveda Prostrim Capsule claims to be a herbal solution designed to address the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and associated infections.

Potential Benefits:

  1. Prostate Size Reduction: The capsule may claim to help reduce the size of an enlarged prostate. This effect could alleviate symptoms such as difficulty in urination, frequent urination, and incomplete bladder emptying.
  2. Infection Management: Ayurvedic herbs are often chosen for their antimicrobial properties. Yogveda Prostrim Capsule might aim to address infections associated with an enlarged prostate, promoting a healthier prostate environment.
  3. Holistic Prostate Support: Ayurvedic medicines typically focus on holistic health. Beyond addressing immediate symptoms, the capsule might aim to provide comprehensive support to the prostate, promoting long-term well-being.

Key Ingredients :

Goikshru, punernava, harda, kachhar guggul, vang bhasma, abhrak bhasma, and several other herbs


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